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Journal of Advanced Research in Technical Science. – Seattle, USA: SRC MS, AmazonKDP. – 2022. – Issue 28

Выходные данные

Mechanical engineering and engineering science

  1. Nosov N.V., Yakubovich E.A. Simulation of forging process based on the theory of adaptability ... 6
  2. Evdokimov A.P. Investigation of temperature fields of rubber cord shells of power drives of rolling stock ... 13
  3. Roshchin M.N., Krivosheev A.Yu. Dependence of the coefficient of friction on the composition of carbon-containing material at high temperatures ... 18
  4. Eliseev A.V., Mironov A.S. Methodological approaches to the assessment of the totality of dynamic states and forms of interactions of elements of vibrating machines for transport and technological purposes ... 22
Mathematics and mechanics
  1. Kravchuk A.S., Kravchuk A.I. To the issue of the correctness of modern studies of the equation of free oscillations of a mathematical pendulum ... 26
Mechatronics and robotics
  1. Bokhonsky A.I., Varminskaya N.I. Minimum energy coercion to achieve the goal of controlled object motion ... 30
Transport, mining and construction machinery
  1. Zenkov S.A., Dryupin P.Yu., Bondalet I.S. Determination of factors affecting the strength of soil freezing to machines ... 37
  2. Lukienko L.V. Substantiation of methods for manufacturing traction organs of large-module heavy-loaded rack and pinion gears ... 41
Power, metallurgical and chemical engineering
  1. Stolyarenko A.E. Prospects for the processing of hydrocarbons in the Kaliningrad region ... 46
Electrical and Electronics
  1. Plotnikov S.M., Rubtsov K.D., Chinkov P.O. Using the asynchronous motor's own stator capacity to compensate for reactive power ... 50
  2. Petukhov S.V., Balantseva N.B., Butakov S.V., Kalinicheva O.A., Krishyanis M.V., Khviyuzov M.A. On the issue of developing an algorithm and clarifying the calculation of the characteristics of an asynchronous traction motor of the NTA-350 type ... 54
Informatics, computer engineering and management
  1. Matushkin V.P., Linkova Ya.A., Soboleva D.V. Development of a laboratory stand "Drencher fire extinguishing system" ... 63
Engineering geometry and computer graphics
  1. Sazonov S.E., Strelyanaya Yu.O., Tarakhovskiy A.Yu. Interdisciplinarity in the geometric and graphic training of students of technical specialties, taking into account the WorldSkills competence standard "CAD Engineering Design" ... 71
  2. Afanasieva I.B., Guseva T.A., Merkulova O.V. Some aspects of engineering graphics training and control organization in the educational process ... 75
  3. Tarakhovskiy A.Yu., Sazonov S.E., But A.Yu. Practice-oriented training in the geometric and graphic training of students of technical specialties ... 79
Materials science
  1. Tsaruk F.F., Pishchov M.N., Belsky S.E. Kinetics of fatigue properties of metals and alloys under high frequency loading ... 83
Technology, machinery and equipment of Agroengineering systems
  1. Belov M.I. Evaluation of energy requirement of tillage with a rotary tiller ... 87
  2. Koneva S.A., Mаtveev Yu.V., Tsaloev V.M. Comparative assessment of the energy efficiency of seawater desalination methods ... 94
  3. Kassabekov M.I., Kassymov U.T., Dzhundibaev V.E., Akhmetov K.T. New devices for the water recycling system of car washes ... 98
  4. Makarov S.A., Danilin A.V., Azizov Ir.R., Alekseev V.S., Shishkin I.V., Azizov Il.R. The device and the principle of operation of the automated complex for the production of vermicompost ... 103
  1. Tomleeva S.V., Moiseev G.D., Iudichev I.M., Drakunov I.I. Reduction of road ruttes with improved vehicle drivability and stability ... 112
  2. Shishko E.A., Zhirnova A.S., Zhuravlev A.N. Electromagnetic railways ... 116
Construction and architecture
  1. AL-Jabri Mohanad Kadhem Ali, Ladik E.I. Urban planning standards of Iraqi cities on the example of the city of Al-Amara, Maysan province ... 121
  2. Skuratov N.V., Sobolev A.V., Usov D.V. Determination of specific screw withdrawal resistance of thermally modified wood of birch, oak and ash ... 129
  3. Sobolev A.V., Skuratov N.V., Usov D.V. Static bending strength of thermally modified birch, oak and ash wood ... 134
Problems of personnel training in mechanical engineering
  1. Boyko L.A., Ksendzenko L.S. Organizational and methodological aspects of preparing students of a technical university for olympiads in higher mathematics and theoretical mechanics ... 138