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Journal of Advanced Research in Technical Science. – Seattle, USA: SRC MS, AmazonKDP. – 2023. – Issue 38

Выходные данные

Mechanical engineering and engineering science

  1. Lepeshinsky I.A., Zotikova P.V. Application of two-phase flow dispersion for the formation of two-phase long-range jets ... 5
  2. Garanikov V.V. The research of the inelueence temperature on micro-creep constuction alloys ... 10
  3. Eliseev A.V., Kopylov Yu.R., Mironov A.S. Frequency relations in the formation of modes with multiple tossing in the elastic interaction of a material particle with a vibrating surface, taking into account unilateral ties ... 15
  4. Roshchin M.N. Change in the coefficient of friction of the Carbon fiber material in sliding bearings from load and temperature ... 24
Mathematics and mechanics
  1. Skiba N.V. Dependence of flow stress on plastic deformation in bimodal materials with nanotwinned structure ... 28
Mechatronics and robotics
  1. Kozlov V.V. Anthropomorphism of robots ... 36
Instrument making, metrology and information-measuring devices and systems
  1. Moiseev A.A. About the special interpretation of base location equation ... 40
Electrical and Electronics
  1. Kllmenko B.M., Pecheykina M.A., Mitryaeva O.E. The possibility of morphological approach applying by value engineering ... 46
Engineering geometry and computer graphics
  1. Grigorieva E.V., Shamray-Lemeshko E.V. The role of engineering tasks in teaching students of marine specialties in the process of graphic training ... 50
  2. Mitsik М.F., Volovik Yu.М. Design and visualization of cylindrical shells ... 54
Materials science
  1. Alisin V.V. Tribological properties of supports "on stones" for precision mechanics devices ... 58
  2. Alisin V.V. Comparative tests of zirconium ceramics by kinetic indentation ... 62
  3. Stashenko V.I., Skvortsov O.B. The effect on metals of mechanical vibrations created by the electroimpulse effect ... 66
  4. Roshchin M.N. Temperature distribution in the coating during laser reflow on the surface of steel and titanium parts ... 71
  1. Astrakhansky A.Yu. Effect of air pollution on diesel engine operation ... 75
  2. Byshevoy M.E., Lyubskaya O.G. Advantages of using river transport for passenger transportation in Moscow ... 79
Construction and architecture
  1. Zenkov E.V. Internet platforms for organizing collaborative work on digital information models in the construction field ... 85
Problems of personnel training in mechanical engineering
  1. Urban V.E., Lyubskaya O.G. Working conditions as a factor of production risk ... 90