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Journal of Advanced Research in Technical Science. – Seattle, USA: SRC MS, AmazonKDP. – 2022. – Issue 31

Выходные данные

Mechanical engineering and engineering science

  1. Biryukov V.P. Determination of the effect of the charge composition on the mechanical and tribotechnical properties of coatings during laser surfacing of steels ... 4
  2. Roshchin M.N. Change in the coefficient of friction in a carbon-containing material – steel pair at high temperatures ... 8
  3. Gerasimova A.A., Baleeva L.M. Optimization of mechanical processing of the bearing outer ring at the enterprise ... 12
  4. Burdo G.B., Ispiryan N.V., Ispiryan S.R., Medintsev S.V. Intelligent process control system for multi-nomenclature machine-building production ... 17
Mathematics and mechanics
  1. Mironov A.S., Eliseev A.V. The concept of dynamic invariants of mechanical oscillatory systems in the evaluation of the features of the plane motion of a solid body taking into account the related force excitation ... 23
Power, metallurgical and chemical engineering
  1. Okunev V.S. Formalization of intuitive concepts in problems of designing new generation safe nuclear reactors ... 28
Instrument making, metrology and information-measuring devices and systems
  1. Kozelkova V.О., Kashaev R.S., Kozelkov О.V. Use of magnetic levitation for control of water droplets salinity in oils emulsions ... 33
  2. Karachin V.I., Kashaev R.S., Kozelkov О.V. Study of the paraphynic oils by the methods of laser photometry and proton magnetic resonance relaxometry ... 36
  3. Ovseenko G.F., Kashaev R.S., Kozelkov О.V. Use of the artificial neuron networks for trustworthy control of the oil disperse systems properties measurements by relaxometer of proton magnetic resonance ... 39
Materials science
  1. Roshchin M.N. Influence of the heat flux power during laser reflow of a metal-ceramic coating ... 42
  1. Azarov V.K., Kutenev V.F. Main modern sources of urban air pollution with invisible particulate matters highly hazardous for the health of citizens ... 46
Problems of personnel training in mechanical engineering
  1. Yakubovich E.A. Improvement of independent work of students in the course study «Theory of thermal processing of metals» ... 51