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Journal of Advanced Research in Natural Science. – Seattle, USA: SRC MS, AmazonKDP. – 2024. – Issue 20

Выходные данные

Mathematics, mechanics, computer science
  1. Kashlakov I.V., Zhukov Yu.A. Simulation of contact forces in control system of a walking robot ... 4
Materials science, physics, chemistry
  1. Gorbatsevich F.F. Galileo's law of free fall of bodies and its connection with gravity ... 9
  2. Lukyanov A.I. Fluoroplastic bearings when lubricated with hydraulic fluid ... 22
  3. Alisin V.V. Prospects for the use of zirconium dioxide crystals in sliding bearings ... 25
  4. Biryukov V.P., Goryunov Ya.A., Yakubovsky A.A. Determination of the abrasion resistance of polyurethanes by free abrasive grain ... 29
  5. Roshchin M.N. The temperature regime of the Carbon fiber material with a modified friction surface ... 33
  6. Roshchin M.N. Laser surfacing of a metal-ceramic coating on a titanium alloy ... 36
Earth sciences
  1. Solodovnikov A.Yu. The specific of functional assignment of the most protected territories of Yamal-Nenets authonomous district ... 39
  2. Gulueva L.R. Mechanization tools for fruit nurseries in mountainous and foothill areas ... 42