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Journal of Advanced Research in Natural Science. – Seattle, USA: SRC MS, AmazonKDP. – 2022. – Issue 15

Выходные данные

Physics and mathematics sciences

  1. Roshchin M.N., Krivosheev A.Yu. The effect of temperature on the coefficient of friction in pairs of carbon-containing materials – steel ... 4
  2. Tsegelskiy V.G. The influence of natural and anthropogenic processes on Earth’s climate from the perspective of nonequilibrium thermodynamics ... 8
  3. Roshchin M.N., Mishanova V.G. Laser surfacing of wear-resistant coatings on titanium alloy ... 29
  4. Kokoreva O.G. Studies of the influence of surface layer quality parameters on the operational properties of machine parts ... 33
  5. Eliseev A.V., Mironov A.S. Dynamic invariants in the evaluation of the features of mechanical oscillatory systems taking into account the connectivity of external excitations ... 36
Earth Sciences
  1. Solodovnikov A.Yu. Main ornithology territories of Tyumen region and their role in bio diversity ... 44
  2. Mаtveev Yu.V. Analysis of the application of pumping wind power installations in irrigation systems ... 47