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Journal of Advanced Research in Natural Science. – Seattle, USA: SRC MS, AmazonKDP. – 2021. – Issue 12

Выходные данные

Physics and mathematics sciences

  1. Kokoreva O.G. Estimation of the stress state during strengthening by surface-plastic deformation ... 4
  2. Roshchin M.N., Mishanova V.G. Features of laser reflow of wear-resistant coatings with additives of aluminum oxide and zirconium diboride ... 7
  3. Oskoma A.A., Surikov D.G. The use of artificial intelligence to improve the reliability of drive and compressor equipment ... 11
  4. Dubarenko V.V., Kuchmin A.Yu., Domanskaya T.O. Theory of corpuscular radio communication system ... 17
Chemical Sciences
  1. Isaenko V.D., Isaenko A.V., Isaenko P.V. Once again about mixing diesel engine oils ... 45
  2. Isaenko V.D., Isaenko A.V., Isaenko P.V. On the issue of engine oil loss in automobile diesels ... 55
Earth Sciences
  1. Solodovnikov A.Yu., Solodovnikov D.A., Solodovnikova Z.A. To take into account the potential of specially protected animal species of Kurgan region ... 60