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Transport, mining and construction engineering: science and production. - 2024. - No.26

Output information

Mathematics and Mechanics

Theoretical mechanics, dynamics of machines

  1. Chung T.T., Merkuryev I.V., Saypulaev G.R. Development of a complex mathematical model for assessing the level of errors in determining the coordinates of a multi-joint hand ... 9
Mechanical engineering

Machine science

  1. Mityushkin A.D., Shaykhutdinov A.I., Khaliullin F.H., Egorov S.V. Diagram of a turn-free engine and dynamic analysis ... 17
  2. Burian Yu.A., Sitnikov D.V., Burian A.A. Application of a PI-controller in an active dynamic vibration damper ... 25
  3. Fedorova A.A., Zhizhko A.A., Ivanov K.G. Optimization of measurement along the Archimedes spiral trajectory using a mechatronic profilograph ... 34
  4. Yan Chuanchao, Li Sen, Zhavner M.V. Method and apparatus for determining the internal friction of a spring accumulator ... 40

Ground transportation and technological facilities and complexes

  1. Stakhin D.R., Plotnikov D.G., Solomatov M.G. Risk management of lifting and transport equipment operation based on the solution of NP-complete combinatorial optimization problem ... 47
  2. Lakomkin A.A., Kolesnichenko D.S., Nemirov V.A., Sakovtsev I.A., Zhukovskaya T.O. Stand for research of hydroabrasive cleaning of surfaces from snow-ice and mud deposits ... 54
  3. Shishkin E.A., Smolyakov A.A. Modeling of interaction between road roller vibrating drum and soil being compacted ... 60

Machines, aggregates and technological processes

  1. Nikitin A.G., Lubin V.A. The design of a high-performance two-chamber jaw crusher ... 68
  2. Dolgin D.S., Lavrentiev Yu.B., Gubanov I.S., Lebedev A.E., Vatagin A.A., Vetkin Yu.A. Verification of the adequacy of the mathematical model of the polymer flow process in duplex extrusion heads ... 73
  3. Shron L.B., Bogutsky V.B. Application features of dimensional analysis in repair of machine ... 80
  4. Diakova E.V. Theoretical and experimental study of the performance of an improved hopper feeding device for semi-finished products of double-sided extrusion ... 86
  5. Chalov V.A., Chalov A.V., Trofimchenko V.N. The influence of additional swirling of the dust and gas flow on the efficiency dedusting in cyclones ... 95
Subsurface use and mining sciences

Geomechanics, rock destruction, mining aerogasodynamics and mining thermophysics

  1. Protosenya A.G., Kumov V.V. Influence of soil mass structure on its stability during tunnel construction by shield tunneling complexes in mixed faces ... 102

Theoretical foundations of mining engineering systems design

  1. Agafonov V.V., Kozlova O.Yu. Optimization of the main parameters of the functional structure of the Karnasurt mine and its service life ... 112

Geotechnology, mining machines

  1. Zhuravlev A.G. On the issue of the use of protective grilles on the receiving bunkers of crushing and reloading plants ... 119
  2. Gabaraev O.Z., Zemlyanoi M.A., Sakhnov A.V., Zasseev I.A., Maximov R.N. Substantiation of block system for development of upland mineral resource deposit under conditions of reserves preparation by adits ... 127